Tool holders

Since I first got my 3D printer back in 2014, I’ve been designing and 3D printing various tool holders for the pegboards in my workshop. I’ve uploaded the 3D models for free so that people can print their own, and so far they’ve been downloaded more than 1500 times. It’s nice to know that things you originally designed just for your own use can be of help for other people as well.

A selection:

Bit holder, shown here with chamfer, deburring, phillips, pozidriv, slot, hex and torx bits. This is used very often.

Screwdriver holder. This was the first pegboard tool holder I designed, and is the one I use the most. That funnel shape is really helpful when you’re in a hurry.

Tool hangers, in a variety of shapes and sizes. Good for placing tools where there is a free spot.

Scalpel holder. I use scalpels all the time when cleaning up 3D prints. With this I always have them at the ready, and I never have to worry about where I put those sharp, pointy things. If they are not in my hands, they are in the holders.

Multimeter holder. Was frequently used before I upgraded to a larger multimeter.

Power strip holder. I made this recently, and it really helped clean up the cable situation in the workshop.

Though originally made for pegboards, all of these holders can of course be mounted directly on a wall, a plywood board or anywhere else you can fasten screws on.

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