Rome – The good, the bad and the ugly

The last week I’ve been in Rome, Italy. Monday to Friday I’ve lived in Frascati and worked in Morena, and during the weekend I’ve stayed near Termini in central Rome together with M.

Frascati was okay, I guess. Small, worn down but not completely without charm. We found one good restaurant there with both good food and nice staff.

Work went well and the clients appeared very happy with my part, so no worries there.

The bad and the ugly
Going into central Rome, I realized that the worn down thing was not specific to the suburbs but the city core as well. The streets were very dirty and we often came by areas that smelled very bad. The traffic was horrible, and the subway stations felt like nobody has bothered to renovate or otherwise improve them since 1986.
Everywhere on the streets people were trying to sell us cheap imitation bags and various crap with a very intrusive attitude. This was worst when eating at outdoor seatings, we often had to tell the peddlers at  least 3-4 times that we were not interested before they gave up. And came back again 30 minutes later.

Speaking of eating; I don’t know if we just had bad luck, or if the italian restaurants really are very bad. About 3/4 of all meals we had were a major disappointment. Service was most of the time terrible, and even though we always tried to be friendly and start the conversations in Italian, we were often treated with arrogance and not the smallest of smiles.

The good
The ice cream/gelato was good and the wine was cheap.

Sure, Colosseum was impressive and there were a lot of ruins, fountains and statues that would probably be reason enough for some people to go there, but after a while things start to look the same everywhere.

For us, Rome was all together quite a bad experience.

I hope I don’t have to go here again very soon. It will be really good to go home tomorrow.

Work in Italy

The last few weeks has been quite hectic for me. Being involved in several top-priority projects coupled with preparations for next week has meant a lot of overtime at work, and too little sleep. But the bulk of the projects is over (at least for now), and I can hopefully get back to a normal speed soon.

Tomorrow I’m flying to Rome, Italy for a week. I’m going to hold a course there in one of my areas of expertise for a group of people at one of our big partners. I’m a bit nervous as I have never done anything like this before. Sure, I’ve held small workshops for a handful of people  before, but that was always in or own office and never more than a day long.

Well, at least it’s warmer in Rome than in Stockholm right now. I put away the motorcycle for winter storage the other day due to the cold. Partly because I can’t ride more than an 45 minutes or so without starting to get cold (especially the hands), but mostly because it’s dangerous. Frost in the mornings and fallen leaves on the road is not a good combination when you’re on two wheels. I hope the winter is short this year so that I can bring out the bike early.

Now, time to start packing.

Hat Party!

Last weekend me and M went to our friend Yosabeth’s 25th birthday party. The theme was “Hat”, where accompanying clothes were encouraged.

Jolly good fun!