Long have I resisted, long have I clinged on to the statement that I don’t need a Facebook account, that I am social enough in other ways. Also, many of my friends are also on Helgon.net, where I have been a member since 2002.
But it feels like everyone has a Facebook account these days. And apparently a lot of party invitations and just plain contact-keeping is swarming around there. More so than on Helgon, which is becoming more and more stale.
On the back side of the coin, I tend to get addicted to these kind of things. And I don’t want to feel the need to check it several times every day. Especially not at work.
Help me out here, vote in the poll and tell me what you think I should do.
Poll: Should I get a Facebook account?
- Yes, and I want to be your friend there! (60%, 9 Votes)
- No (33%, 5 Votes)
- Yes, but I don't want to be your friend there... (7%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 15

Edit: It seems that to be able to vote, you have to use the frankjohansson.com domain. frankjohansson.se or killersnail.com will not work. If you still cannot vote, please leave a comment so that I can fix it.
Edit2: Now it seems to work with frankjohansson.se but not with frankjohansson.com! Strange. Will have a look at it during the weekend.
Edit 3: Seems that there were conflicts with having multiple domain names using the same IP, which confused the poll code. Or something like that. I have changed the DNS settings for frankjohansson.se and killersnail.com to forward to frankjohansson.com. This should also help my google rank a bit. Anyway, poll should be working now.