I got home from Åre last night, where I’ve been since Thursday on a conference with my job.
Since around Tuesday my throat has been feeling a bit sore, getting worse and worse.
On Thursday, I started coughing.
On Saturday afternoon, I was beginning to become hard to speak. That night I also woke up and felt feverish, taking hours before i could get back to sleep.
On Sunday morning, I couldn’t get a word out. Later in the afternoon I could half-whisper and speak in a low, broken voice.
This morning I couldn’t make a sound. Just whispering hurts, so I have to communicate in other ways. Coughing is a real pain, and I do it a lot. But as long as I don’t move, it is easier. So I plan to stay in bed all day. Lucky for me, I have my Eee 1000H so I don’t bore to death. Perfect time to watch a bunch of movies just waiting for me! (I currently have around 90 unseen movies on the netbook)
Expect a movie mini review or two soon. 🙂