Tag Archives: Diet

2 Months, 10 Kg

For the last two months, I’ve been on a diet consisting mainly of Nutrilett and Naturdiet based shakes and Varma Koppen soups. It is a type of diet called VLCD, or Very Low Calery Diet. The fundamental idea is to eat less calories than your body consumes (like most diets).  You are supposed to drink about six shakes a day (a powder that you mix with water yourself), but I have not been a rigid follower of the rules. About half of the time I have been eating some solid food after work, mainly drinking the shakes and soups up until 5PM.

Results are in: Minus 10 kilos in weight and minus 5 cm around the waist.

The longer I have been on the diet, the slower the weight loss. On the other hand, I have probably been eating (and drinking) a bit more in the last month as well.

I am dead tired of the shakes, so I will now have a week eating only solid food before continuing substituting some of my meals with shakes again. I still have a bit more to go.

Also, next year I will get back to training Kung Fu, and swim a bit more.

Beach 2009, here I come. 😉