Category Archives: Social

Reasons to like me

I’m not sure if I’m easy or hard to like. But for those who are about to decide, I’ve put together the following list to better the odds in my favor.

Reasons to like Frank:

  • He does his dishes at least five times a year
  • He doesn’t turn into a werewolf during full moons
  • He knows the capital of Mongolia
  • He is not an alien from another dimension bent on world destruction
  • He subscribes to the theory that the Earth is round
  • He doesn’t scrape his vegetables onto someone else’s plate when nobody is looking
  • He has never opened fire on an innocent group of unarmed people
  • He calls his comic books “Comic books” and not “Graphic novels” or “Sequential art”
  • He has most of the time no major problems remembering his own phone number
  • He rarely stares directly at the sun
  • He has never broken into a bear’s home and eaten all its porridge
  • He has never given the finger to a lady over the age of 73
  • He never stares at someone’s wart for more than 2-3 minutes
  • No tyrannical system of government is named after him
  • He neither smoke nor drink while pregnant
  • Contrary to popular belief, he does not comb his hair with a fork
  • Unlike Vincent Van Gogh, he would not cut off his ear to impress a girl
  • The rumors of his involvement in the Chernobyl crisis are mostly unfounded
  • He no longer bears a grudge against Santa Claus for failing to deliver a working space shuttle in Christmas of 1987
  • He refuses to play “let’s hide grandma’s teeth”
  • As of yet, he has never overlooked the importance of regular, continuous breathing

Hat Party!

Last weekend me and M went to our friend Yosabeth’s 25th birthday party. The theme was “Hat”, where accompanying clothes were encouraged.

Jolly good fun!

4000 kilometers in 3 weeks

So, what have happened since last time?
I’ve been riding. And riding. And riding.

First off, two days after passing my driver’s exam and buying my bike, I went upp to Strömsund in Swedish Jämtland, around 700 km from Stockholm by bike. From there we went to Finnish Lapland by car, to a town called Ranua about 80 km from Rovaniemi. After close to a week we went back, and I took the bike back to Stockholm via a night in Mora.
Back home I took a few days to wash, repack and plan,and also to install my first modification to the bike: A 12 volt power outlet (cigarette plug) hidden inside the toolbox compartment. This is in turn connected to a relay that I installed, so that it only gives power when the bike is started to prevent the battery from discharging in case I forget the power adapter to the GPS plugged in.

Anyway, me and three friends went back on the road again.
First stop was Tibro, where I lived between I was 5 and 16. Of course we went straight to Tibro Bar & Grill, and then off to our respective friends and family to sleep (3 of 4 were raised in Tibro). The next day it was more or less pouring down the entire time, so we took the shorter route to Hökerum, Ulricehamn, where my parents live. After spending the evening and night there we went on to Linköping, still in the rain. We split up again, and met the next day, when the sun finally came through. Onward to Västervik where MC-dagarna, the largest bike event in northern Europe, was held. Lots and lots of awesome bikes, both at the exhibition and in the camping area. We camped there for a night, and then the rest of the guys went back to Stockholm while I continued on to Öland where my parents had rented a house. After 5 days there, I went back to spend another night in Linköping before going back to Stockholm. Besides that I’ve been cruising around a lot in between, both in Stockholm and on Öland.

Pictures have been requested so pictures are produced:

Obama, seriously?

Barack Obama won the Nobel peace prize even though he hasn’t taken any real action yet. I like Obama, but this paints him out even more as the next Jesus.

Normally the Nobel Prize is awarded 10-40 years after a person has accomplished something worthwhile, but when this year’s nomination deadline ended Obama had only been president for two weeks. I find that a little odd.

Little Gamers is once again on top of things.

Obama, seriously?
Obama, seriously?

Well, let’s just hope that he will one day actually do something worthy of the prize. And at least he is not keeping the money.

Glenn Miller Café

Yesterday my old friend Dossen came to visit. After strolling through town, visiting comic book shops and having lunch, we later went to Glen Miller Café together with Marianne.

The food was great (as always), the music (Sara Hedman Kvartett) was classy and temperature was high. We all had a good time, and later went back to my place and was joined by Fredde.

The photos below are from both mine and Dossens cameras (his is way better), and I just had to do a photoshop version of something I have wanted to to for years: put a lightsaber in the hand Karl XIV Johan’s statue at Slussen, Stockholm.

A weekend in Strängnäs

Last week me and Marianne were in Strängnäs, just checking out the place. Later the first day we met up with Jens and Linda, who had taken their boat there the same day.

Good times!

Facebook again

Now that there are big problems at Helgon (the only community where I am currently a member) and it looks like it is going to get sold off, I am once again/still considering joining Facebook.

Please help me out and vote below, and feel free to leave comment with pros/cons as well:

Poll: Should I get a Facebook account?

  • Yes, and I want to be your friend there! (60%, 9 Votes)
  • No (33%, 5 Votes)
  • Yes, but I don't want to be your friend there... (7%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 15

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At least I’m not getting an iPhone. 😉

Update: The people have spoken. I am now signed up on Facebook.

Pub night at källaren & källaren

Mariannes birthday is coming up, and instead of having a party at home we decided to go out to Östgötakällaren, one of our favorite bars in Stockholm.

Joining us were Carina, Fredde, Pirate-Johan and Caisa-Stina. Around ten o’ clock we decided to move on and ended up at Söderkällaren where we were joined by Simon & Erika.

Good times!