In June me and Marianne will be moving to Tokyo.
I recently got a job offer as a graphic designer at a big (and I mean BIG) telecom company in Japan. Since we hadn’t decided whether or not to go through with this we have decided to not tell anyone until now. Last night we sat down again and came to the mutual agreement to take the job and go through with the move.
The company has arranged an apartment in Shimokitazawa, Setagaya district. It’s an older (but newly renovated) apartment fairly close to the subway. And most important, it has a 100mbit Internet connection. 😉
The salary is good enough to provide for us both, but Marianne should have no problems finding job as an English teacher there either.
Now we have a little over two months to sell of our stuff. Some will be placed in storage at our parent’s places, but most electronics and furniture will have to go.
By the way, is anyone interested in our current apartment, 79 sqm in Helenelund, Sollentuna? Otherwise we will cancel the contract fairly soon.
These are exciting times. 🙂
As I still get questions about this half a year later, I feel I should explain that this was an April fools joke, originally posted on April 1st.
Still, I wouldn’t mind to actually move there. 😉
April fools! (I really hope so anyhow.. Would you miss you, alot!) Good one! ^_^
Gissa! 😉
Jag gick på det…….
Blev riktigt kall i hjärtat…
Haha, kul att någon gick på den iaf. 🙂
April din djävfel! 😛
Gick faktiskt på det, men känner en lättnad nu att ni INTE ska flytta.
Finfina bilder från festen, wish i was there!